Meeting More Friends Moving On

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Meeting More Friends Moving On

When I shared about making moves, a bunch of others reached out about their moves they are making

Life is always on the move.

There is always one thing that is certain, is that things will never stay the same.

Mike’s Blog 185

A lot of us think we are staying the same. Humans by nature want to stay the same. Change is hard. Change is risk.

Heck yea it is nerve racking!

Especially with a full family.

I do appreciate the thoughtful emails and letters from people concerns about my safety and my long term visa status if I do go to Thailand. And thanks Jon Myers for the research and data on moving to Vietnam. A lot to consider.

In today’s video  blog I meet up my old friend Andrew Leyden (on Periscope as Penguin Six) and grab some interactive sushi. Literally you order it and a train comes on a mini track to deliver it (my kids would love that).

He is making moves to USA – and we caught up a bit on the thinking, the transitions, the lifestyle changes that need to be made.

It is a big life change – and adding a wife and 2 kids to it is a lot more complex. Some people sent messages saying Thailand has gotten much stricter on visas lately (probably due to a lot of people in my situation / thinking) and that I need to be careful. Sure, step by step.

And just because we are considering Thailand now, and because we may even move there – doesn’t mean we have to stay there another r10 years like I did in China. Heck, maybe we can be a digital nomad family traveling all around. Just need to figure out the education part.

Next week Wendy and I are starting our journey to a few countries like I mentioned and this will be when reality sets in and decisions will start to become serious. Can we move by the Fall? The hard part is the school part.

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